QOTT Event Sponsorship

This is a preview of the QOTT Event Sponsorship Application Form - Event form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Checklist for Applicants

* indicates a required field.

QOTT Program

This field is read only. 


Before completing this application form, you must read:

1. The Terms and Conditions relevant to the sponsorship tier you are applying for: Event Sponsorship Program :: Racing Queensland; and 

2. Racing Queensland's Privacy Policy: Privacy Policy :: Racing Queensland


Please note: Incomplete applications and/or applications that do not meet the application eligibility criteria will not be considered.


If you have any questions regarding the QOTT Event Sponsorship Program, including eligibility criteria or the application process, please contact QOTT via email at offthetrack@racingqueensland.com.au or via phone on (07) 3869 9760. 


The SmartyGrants 'Help Guide For Applicants' explains the essential steps you need to take to complete and submit your application form. Click on this link to read the SmartyGrants 'Help Guide For Applicants': http://applicanthelp.smartygrants.com.au/help-guide-for-applicants/


Should you require technical assistance when using SmartyGrants and/or completing your application form, please contact SmartyGrants via email at service@smartygrants.com.au or via phone on (03) 9320 6888.


QOTT Sponsored Events (Current Calendar Year)

Has the applicant been awarded sponsorship under the QOTT Event Sponsorship Program for four (4) events that are scheduled to be held in the current calendar year (i.e. from 1 January to 31 December)? * Required

Ineligible Applicant (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Has the applicant been awarded sponsorship under the QOTT Event Sponsorship Program for four (4) events that are scheduled to be held in the current calendar year (i.e. from 1 January to 31 December)?" on page 1

Thank you for your interest in applying for QOTT Event Sponsorship. As you answered 'YES' to the above question, you are unable to proceed with this application as your organisation has already been awarded sponsorship under the QOTT Event Sponsorship Program for four (4) events that are scheduled to be held in the current calendar year (i.e. from 1 January to 31 December). As this is the maximum number of events permitted per organisation per calendar year, this application will not proceed to evaluation by QOTT. For more information, please refer to: Event Sponsorship Program :: Racing Queensland